How can we teach kindness and courage

kindness Apr 03, 2020

Last week I posted a story around experience I had at my local Coles and the lack of leadership and kindness I was seeing from Australians. Then my associate told me at work that someone working at her local Woolworths had spent the day crying and I had experienced something very similar at Woolworths myself. After she told me this, we thought we need to do something to help them with their courage and leadership.

Today I went back to my local Coles and spoke with the manager and told her that if she or any of her team need any coaching or development, they are welcomed to reach out to me, my team or they can even have access to my online courageous leadership program for free. I gave her my card and she gave me a hug.

Kindness in words creates confidence. Kindness in thinking creates profoundness. Kindness in giving creates love. Lao Tzu

I have had a number of calls, conversations and yes meetings around what is happening across the world and the lack of kindness and courage we are seeing. Instead of the empathy and kindness on display during the bushfires, we have selfishness and greed as people hoard ridiculous amounts of toilet paper and other essential grocery items. Pensioners, low-income earners and others in similar positions who cannot afford to stockpile are finding themselves going without the basics. Those who couldn’t stockpile to the extent of the hoarders (for whatever reason) are having to venture to many different grocery stores just to find a loaf of bread or roll of toilet paper.

There have been altercations over toilet rolls, due to the desperation people are feeling. When someone has a trolley packed high (before supermarkets had to place limits on items) with more toilet paper than they or their family needs, it’s understandable that tensions would boil over.

The thing that saddens me the most about all this is the incredible contrast between the selflessness during the bushfires and the utter lack of empathy on display now while coronavirus runs rampant. We were so kind and courageous then – and look at us now.

We seem to be looking at this situation and seeing it being about “me” when we are all in this together. We seem to be looking at this situation through a panic lens rather than we can do things differently, how can we be more courageous, how can we help each other, how can stay strong and brave and focus on how we can get through this.

Have we lost our leadership and our ability to be courageous and kind?

This is what we need to do, today and moving forward. Show leadership, courage, and kindness. I reflected on our encounters at Coles and Woolworths and thought we need to do something. We have been delivering our online leadership and courageous leadership programs and coaching for several years. We need to give them the courage and leadership tools and skills and everyone for that matter to be kinder and more courageous.

You can learn leadership, kindness and courage.

If you need any coaching or development for your people and teams during this time, please reach out to us as we are offering one of our self-paced and online programs at cost for everyone. You can find out more below or email us. We truly want to help everyone we can during this time.

Below is an overview of what one of our self-paced programs for only $197 covers –

  • Digital Course access (17 modules, note, workbooks, handpicked resource library).
  • Access online from anywhere in the world.
  • One-to-one support with McDonald Inc. if needed.
  • Great Articles and Blogs.
  • Program includes Global Community Moderated Discussion Forum.
  • Automatic enrolment into the next program intake for free.
  • Amazing Leadership Planner.
  • Inspiration, Motivation and Guidance.
  • Plus more.

In turn, these programs and course will help but it takes each and every one of us to practice kindness and courage. Here are some of my blogs on the 12 Laws of Kindness and Courage.

Stay Kind. Stay Courageous. x

About McDonald Inc.


Our Online Programs and Modules


Our Leadership Legacy

At McDonald Inc., we know that courageous leaders inspire courageous action. For more than 20 years our founder Sonia McDonald has been nurturing executives, businesses and leadership teams through leadership coaching, workshops and leadership programs.

We don’t just train your employees we transform them into courageous leaders. Whether you are looking to continue to develop your high performing leaders and teams or need help turning around a poor leadership culture, McDonald Inc. offers in-house programs and coaching.


To foster courageous leadership in organisations across the globe by training, mentoring and coaching emerging leaders, team leaders, managers and executives.


At McDonald Inc. we seek to foster courageous and kind leadership so that the people leave work smiling each day, in turn creating more prosperous and successful businesses.

Brand Values

McDonald Inc. develops the skills, confidence, and leadership of leaders at any point in their journey as well as facilitating cultural transformation. We benefit our clients by assisting them to have higher staff retention, improved performance through teamwork and an overall more profitable bottom line.

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